Cross Mission Carbon Management
In energy and transport, carbon sources (such as biomass) are considered important to produce green fuels for shipping and aviation, to some extent heavy duty vehicles, as well as for industries and peak load power plants. Moreover, carbon sources such as biomass are important elements of CCUS strategies both to secure the carbon for CCU solutions as well as to provide biogenic carbon for underground CCS and/or biochar CCS solutions. To find the best and most affordable solution, one will have to take a holistic approach such as expressed in the concept of a smart energy system. One example of state-of-the-art is the biomass strategy illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of state-of-the-art of biomass strategy within energy, industry and transport
(Source: The role of sustainable bioenergy in a fully decarbonised society, Renewable Energy (196) 2022)
In agriculture, biomass is important for many inherent purposes including sustaining soil carbon content. However, there are numerous ways of increasing biomass production within agricultural systems while meeting other sustainability criteria. Most crops do not utilize the whole growing season for carbon capture and optimization involves the production of cover crops for harvest and use and a shift into a higher share of perennial crops with a longer growing season.
Forests produce a suite of products for energy and materials and potentially also feedstock for advanced green fuels. There are opportunities to increase forest growth and forest energy and materials may substantially contribute to the green transition of society. However, wood use in Denmark is currently characterized by large import fractions and low circularity leaving ample room for additional gains in terms of climate change mitigation from optimized use of the wood resource. A balance between carbon storage in ecosystems, carbon storage in wood products and substitution of energy intense and fossil products is paramount for the contribution of the forest sector to climate change mitigation. An example of a holistic cross-sectorial carbon balance for all carbon demanding sectors is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Example of state-of-the-art of a holistic cross-sectorial carbon balance
(Source: Scenarier for anvendelse af biomasseressourcer i fremtidens produktionssystemer for fødevarer, energi og materialer inden for rammerne af gældende politik for landbrug, miljø, klima, natur og energi. Det Nationale Bioøkonomipanel, 2022)
This project will contribute with the following results outlining the potential future development of sustainable use of biomass in the fully decarbonized society: