Calls - Question and Answers

Questions and answers

Overall questions about the calls

Application deadline for all calls: October 9, 2024, at 11:59 AM.

To receive funding from MissionGreenFuels you must be a partner in the partnership. Organizations not a part of MissionGreenFuels can request to join on our website here.

Applications must be submitted via “Filkassen”.

You can find application documents and a guideline for uploading via “Filkassen” on the sites: Pool 2.5, Pool 3 Solutions and Pool 3 Booster

Yes. According to the rules on State Aid (Statsstøtte) there is a difference in investment rates between industrial research and experimental development. The rates can be found in chapter 3 in the Guidelines for Grand Solutions and Innomission Partnerships here.

For pool 2.5 it can be possible to cover capacity building activities, if it is specified in the roadmap. For pool 3 this is not the case, and only salary costs for the time spend on the project can be included in the budget.

In principle you can apply for a project alone. However, please be aware of the State Aid (Statsstøtte) rules of collaboration, with a 15% decrease in investment rate for some categories, if it is not a collaboration between at least 2 partners. If applying without any partners in your application, please make sure to describe carefully how this will contribute to the MissionGreenFuels roadmap and vision.

Want to know more about our calls?

Through the MissionGreenFuels partnership, Energy Cluster Denmark and DaCES are organizing a webinar and several workshops to support the development of project ideas among the participants. 

Find information about the events and register here

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