MissionGreenFuels Call

Pool 3 Booster

Application Deadline: October 9, 2024, at 11:59 AM.
Project duration: Maximum 2 years. 
Total budget for this call: Minimum 5 million DKK

 About MissionGreenFuels – Partnership and roadmap 

The MissionGreenFuels partnership was established as a part of the Danish Governments strategy “Green solutions of the future – Strategy for investments in green research, technology, and innovation” (September 2020). The MissionGreenFuels partnership is one of four InnoMissions and focuses on how to fulfil the Danish, European and global climate goals, specifically a 70% reduction by 2030 and net zero by 2050 by decarbonizing the transport, aviation and shipping sector through green fuels. A fundamental governance principle in MissionGreenFuels is a system-wide focus on a portfolio across knowledge domains, actors, sectors, and value chains. 

The MissionGreenFuels partnership addresses different technological challenges of green fuels in a focused and coordinated way, using the roadmap to align and guide research and innovation activities, and ensuring knowledge sharing that identifies and builds on synergies whilst avoiding lock-ins. 

The vision for the MissionGreenFuels partnership is to contribute substantially to the decarbonization of the transport, aviation and shipping sector and to support Danish research, innovation, growth, job creation and export potential within the field of green fuels.

What is called for?  

The MissionGreenFuels partnership welcomes applications from ambitious and innovative small and medium sized companies (SMEs) including start-ups who contributes to solutions to issues and challenges towards 2030 and 2050 outlined in the revised roadmap (link)

We are calling for projects under the following theme:

Cost down and competitiveness 2030

We expect to fund 1-4 projects with investment from 1,5-5 mio dkk (Max 35% of the total project budget).

Many technologies within the green fuel’s domain have reached a commercial level of readiness and is from an overall perspective ready for deployment and implementation when considering the technologies as an isolated matter. But the ecosystem, the value- and supply chains for the deployment, integration and implementation of these technologies are on the contrary defined by a much lower readiness. To reach the ambitious climate goals we need to make green fuels more economically viable and competitive with traditional fossil fuels on the global market.

While doing so, we must secure economic growth, create jobs and long-term competitiveness of Denmark – Danish SMEs and start-ups play a crucial role in this.

In this theme we look for new ideas from SMEs or start-up companies, with significant risk and innovative value. The solutions for this theme might not be fully mature or economically viable at present but have the potential to become cost-effective and competitive in 2030. This can also be intermediate solutions that contribute significantly to the climate goals of 2030 in the transition phase towards full climate neutrality in 2050.

Who can apply? 

Only SME’s and startups are eligible to apply.

Upon final approval for funding, any new organization will join the Partnership via a signed Agreement. Besides, the company will have to sign declarations as follows: 

  • One for the status as SME similar to the declaration in this link 
  • And one for not being a so-called undertaking in difficulty as defined in article 2.18 in this link 

What and how much can be applied for? 

Total budget for this call is minimum 5 mio dkk, conditioned by sufficient quality within the field of applications. Investment per project ranges from 1.5-5 mio dkk and the partnership will cover a maximum of 35% of the project’s total cost.

Applicants must follow the Innovation Fund Denmark Mission Booster Guidelines in regard to – section 1.5, 1,3 and 6. (Link to the Guidelines you will find in section 10). Please note that there are specific requirements related to the financial status of the company acting as the applicant.

Funding can be used for eligible project-related costs including subcontracting of knowledge institutions.

Important dates 

  • “Filkassen” opens: September 2024
  • Deadline for application: 11:59 AM, October 9, 2024
  • Expected response date: End of December 2024
  • Expected earliest launch date: Q2, 2025

Evaluation criteria 

All applications will be assessed on the following criteria (referring to the application template):

  1. Quality of the idea
  2. Impact
  3. Quality of execution
  4. How the project fits with the MissionGreenFuels roadmap

All criteria are included in the assessment and contribute to the overall assessment. 

Evaluation process 

Applications must be submitted via filkassen

Criteria 1-3 will be evaluated by external reviewers. Criteria 4 will be evaluated by the Partnership Board of Directors (see the process document in section 10

Each proposal will be evaluated by at least 2 external evaluators.

Before proposals are subjected to external review by experts, the Partnership Director will ensure that the proposals comply with the formal requirements described in the call text. Applications which do not comply with the requirements will receive administrative rejection and will not be subjected to external review. 

Proposals which comply with all formal requirements are assessed by evaluators.

Guidance and documents

  • Application template
  • Budget template
  • Process for MissionGreenFuels Booster
  • Updated Roadmap
  • Guidelines for InnoBooster

Contact info 

For questions, please contact: 

Partnership director, Carina Jensen, cje@adm.aau.dk 


  • Call text (pdf)
  • Application guidelines