Looking for the orignal roadmap from 2021?

Denmark adopted in 2020 an ambitious climate law with a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by 2030 and reach climate neutrality by 2050 – a target that has been advanced to 2045.

The Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) requested early 2021 knowledge and information for a mission-driven research and innovation partnership on four green innomissions. This call for action was part of the Danish governments first strategy for investment into green research, technology and innovation setting a clear direction for realizing the climate law, the objectives, promoting growth and jobs and the green transition. In May 2021 a large partnership of 100 actors from the private and public sector presented a roadmap for green fuels in transport and industry towards 2030 and 2050.  

The initiative was spearheaded by six universities AAU, AU, SDU, KU, CBS, DTU, Energy Cluster Denmark (ECD), the Danish Center for Energy Storage (DaCES) in partnership with the Danish Technological Institute, FORCE Technology, DBI and the Alexandra Institute, (RTO’s), Vestas and Topsoe. This joint response for a roadmap has been the basis for developing the MissionGreenFuels partnership. The roadmap defines the guiding principle and pathways ahead for the partnership and addresses the challenges of green fuels in a focused and coordinated way. The roadmap serves to align and guide research and innovation activities, and ensuring knowledge sharing that identifies and builds on synergies whilst avoiding lock-ins.  

Download the original roadmap here.

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